Sunday, 24 January 2010

Whoever thought out the idea of having a project in final year really was onto something. I've learnt more in this evening that I've done in a long time. here are some of the other reasons why I'm loving this idea.

1. It makes you independent.
Seriously, would I have figured out a whole new IDE alone, if it weren't for this? Now this new 'discovery' not only eliminates code writing, it also makes whatever little you have to write incredibly easy. I finished my college assignment in 10 minutes flat.

2. It makes you bold.
I'm borderline paranoid about privacy on the net. I still don't have a profile pic on facebook because I don't trust their settings. Yet, I posted questions AND my email ID on a public forum. Desperate times, desperate measures... :)

3.It's fun!
Staying up at all kinds of hours to figure out a new API? It's like a bigtime party-with just me, my comp, the IDE and the code. Dunno about the others, but I certainly got high last night! \m/

4.It clears your concepts.
API, Beans, Architecture, Connectivity, application layer protocols, you name it.

5. It toughens you up.
Bad cold?? Headaches?? Stomach upset?? Nothing matters before the mad dash to make the deadline for the weekly report. It's all ignored. And, I found, ignoring the blahs is a really great way of making them go away.

6.It gives you a great(in my case, some) purpose in life.
Because nothing beats the rush you get(and I got today) when your first component works.

There's probably a lot more to this, will probably extend this post.

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