Saturday, 2 January 2010

Happy New Year!

It's the season for resolutions, so why should I be left behind? These resolutions however, are to be made in order to polish up my (pretty much abysmal) programming skills. So, here goes.

1. No shortcuts.
This means no gotos, no labels, proper names, and (strict) adherence to naming conventions.

2. No weird software that I get off some shady website.
Mostly, no tcc.

3. A place for everything, everything in its place.
Names, declarations at proper places. modules. No errant documents in the hard drive.

4.No leaps and bounds.
proper documentation

5.No eating when I'm in front of the comp.
I'm gonna miss those chips and dip.

These are all I can think of right now, will probably add to this list later.

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