Saturday, 5 December 2009

If not actually disgruntled,

...he was far from being gruntled.

This is a line from one of Wodehouse's Wooster stories. It describes, to a fairly accurate degree, my thoughts on the university, studies, and just life in general.

If I don't study, I have an okay paper. If I do study, I have a nice paper. By this analogy, If I study really hard, I should have a really great paper, right? Unfortunately, due to some random mis-alignment of the planets, or due to the antics of some person up there who is not quite happy with me, all the three papers that were supposed to be sitters have somehow flattened me. All I'm left with now are compilers and artificial intelligence, for which I begin studying right now.

It just underlines the fact that the amount I study for a paper and the marks I get for it have no co-relation whatsoever.

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