We've just started working on our final year project, and our internal guide is R.K. From the graphics class in S.E. I think whatever I feel about this can be summed up from this exchange that happened on Tuesday.
Payal and I were in the firing range, btw.
Ma'am: Okay what is this automated e-mails module about?
Me: Ma'am whenever the warranty period is over, an e-mail should be sent to both the dealer and company informing them. Those e-mails need to be automatically generated. Hence the module. etc.etc.
Ma'am: But if the e-mails are automatically generated, what will you do?
Both of us, collectively, not daring to look at each other: huh?!!
edit 1::(21/9/09,12:42 pm)I have a feeling that this is going to be one of the major subjects populating this blog for the next 6 months.
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