Friday, 24 July 2009

My college is certainly different than the others. today, we were doing unix commands for practicals, and some of us got rather caught up in it(it doesn't happen all that often, more's the pity!) Now, our lab timings end at 4, while the lab is supposed to be open till 5. Being completely 'On' and 'In Flow' as we were, we didn't want to leave, when suddenly, the lab caretaker rushes in at 5 minutes past 4, threatens to report us to the principal -for staying in the lab 'too long' and asks us for our roll numbers.Moron. I mean, seriously, what was he going to report us for?? staying in the lab too long? what??

On second thoughts, maybe he should have reported us. The complaint, and especially its redress,(you cannot stay in the lab for even a second after the clock chimes four!!!) would have been interesting, to say in the least. Not to mention absolutely wonderful to the hordes who think 2 hrs a week is too long a time for a practical.(what do you gossip about all that time?? gets boring na!!)

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